Tape Transfers
We offer archival-quality tape and digital transfers at affordable prices. We can transfer every major analog audio tape format and most digital audio tape formats, and we can decode every common noise reduction. Please contact us if you would like to ensure we can transfer your project.
Most mono and stereo tapes are $50. Most multitrack tapes are $100.
Professional Equipment and Diligence
We do all of our transfers on our meticulously-maintained studio tape machines, among the finest ever made, and capture to digital with our studio analog-digital (AD) converters, which are the best-spec’ed we could find.
We calibrate our machines for each and every tape we transfer. This is a substantial time and work commitment, but it means you get the most accurate, highest-quality transfer possible, without unnecessary tape noise or distortion. Your transferred audio will be as close as humanly and mechanically possible to the original source material.
We scan or photo the documentation accompanying tapes, and meticulously log technical details about the transfers, as well as any issues we encountered, and how we resolved them.
Baking And Restoration
Tape baking is $50 per batch. Most older tapes and tapes of certain formulas need to be dehydrated, or “baked” at a low temperature in a convection oven before they can be transferred or played back. Bake time will usually determine the time table for most transfers, and varies by project. Please contact us for more info.
Many tapes we have received in the last few years need to be manually cleaned because the lubricant in the coatings has broken down and started to leech out onto the surface of the tape, leaving a waxy residue that must be removed before transfer. We are able to identify and clear this residue to allow for a smooth transfer.
Additionally, we can perform digital restoration of the transferred audio to remove some artifacts caused by tape degradation or recording errors (such as clicks and pops, pitch bends from tape stretching, or dropouts), or to otherwise improve the sound of the transfer, with editing and digital processing upon request. Please contact us for more information.
Noise Reduction
We can “decode” most noise reduction formats. Decoding noise reduction on a transfer is critically important- if a tape that was recorded with noise reduction is not decoded, the audio will sound “wrong” to even casual listeners. If you aren’t sure if your tape was recorded with noise reduction, or there isn’t clear documentation indicating this, we can usually tell, and will check the various formats.
We can also execute SMPTE-synchronized transfers of any of the formats below (where multiple tapes were recorded in tandem using synchronization).
Formats we can transfer:
2” 16- and 24-track
1” 8- and 16-track (at all speeds)
1/2” 16-track, 8-track, 4-track, 2-track (stereo), 3-track, and quarter-track (bidirectional stereo)
1/4” 8-track, 4-track, 2-track (stereo), quarter-track (bidirectional stereo), and mono
8-track, 4-track, and stereo cassette tapes
DA-88 / DTRS (8-track digital 16- and 24-bit, 48k and 44.1k)
ADAT (8-track digital 16- and 20-bit, 48k and 44.1k)
DAT (stereo digital, 48k and 44.1k sample rates)
Other formats are available by request, please contact us for more info.
Noise reduction formats we can decode:
Dolby SR
Dolby A
dbx Type I
dbx Type II
Dolby B and C