Steve Albini
Steve Albini, or as he pretentiously prefers, steve albini, is the oldest member of the Electrical Audio staff, has seen it all and is just over it. Fucking done. Stick a fork in me.
Known for his naturalistic recording philosophy and meticulous analog working methods, he will talk your fucking ear off about any of it. Just listen to any of like 400 podcasts where he will. not. shut. up. And podcast people, maybe move down the list a little, huh? It’s not like steve has some fresh bullshit for you, he’s been unrolling the same spiel since Johnny Carson went off the air.
Steve charges more for his time because we won't let him raise the studio rates and this is the only way we can keep the lights on. On the upside, he'll probably flip you for it.
Grammys: 0
Dove awards: 2
WSOP championship bracelets: 1
Western Montana State Fair Blue Ribbons: 2 (butter spoon drop cookies)